WA Supply Chain Covid Response Group leads Freight Industry in response to Covid-19
In response to the supply and distribution challenges facing Western Australia, Western Roads Federation, Northern Territory Road Transport Association and the Freight and Logistics Council of WA (FLCWA) have joined forces to form the WA Supply Chain Covid Response Group.
Lead by Nicole Lockwood, Chair of FLCWA, The Group covers all aspects of the supply chain including shipping, road, rail, air and workforce to ensure the safety of workers in the freight network and secure the supply of essential goods to communities across WA. The Group also provides a single source of information to the Government and its departments agencies seeking information or planning solutions for emerging problems in the freight sector.
“We’re here to help any freight company who requires assistance in dealing with operational impacts due to Covid-19 and encourage them to get in contact with us” – Nicole Lockwood, Chair FLCWA.
Since forming two weeks ago, The WA Supply Chain Covid Response Group has provided advice to government on the operational impacts of border closures to ensure clear protocols are in place for the movement of goods across the State. The Group has also successfully mobilised the freight sector to source critical supplies for industry, with hand sanitiser already delivered.
Support from Industry and operational funding from Department of Transport has allowed The Group to provide timely advice to the freight industry as new restrictions and protocols continue to progress.
“I’d like to thank the wider industry and its generous members for working with us. These are unprecedented times and it’s critical we’re all working together to ensure we can protect the workforce and keep freight moving.” – Nicole Lockwood, Chair FLCWA.
“Our key priority is the safety of all workforce involved to maintain the movement of food, medical supplies and general freight. I’d like to acknowledge the dedication from the front-line truck drivers, train drivers and Port workers in ensuring essential goods are kept flowing into Western Australia”. – Nicole Lockwood, Chair FLCWA.
The Group is also working proactively to ensure the hygiene practices of all freight and delivery drivers is of the highest of standards to protect both the health of the workforce and the community.
The Group is eager to hear from Industry and encourages representatives to contact us via the details below to be signed up to our daily updates.
For more information contact secretariat@flcwa.com.au