- Today is R U OK Day. This year’s message is “There’s more to say after R U OK?”. More information can be found here
- The FLCWA is pleased to support the recent launch of the Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds initiative that provides assistance for those dealing with the mental health challenges that are particularly evident in the freight transport industry. See their website for more information.
- WA Police encourages those having difficulties with the G2GPass to contact them here.
- The FLCWA has recently been invited to join the Infrastructure Western Australia External Stakeholder Reference Group. We look forward to contributing to the development of the State Infrastructure Strategy.
- Access to freight data is becoming increasingly important to help industry and government plan, make better operational and investment decisions and to be more resilient and responsive. The FLCWA ran an initial workshop this week with key data providers to help scope a pilot project to develop a Unified Data Platform.
Due to the ever changing situation and border restrictions we recommend keeping up to date on the relevant state or territory website:
- Australian Capital Territory: ACT Government travel advice
- New South Wales: NSW Government travel and transport advice
- Northern Territory: Northern Territory Government remote work and travel
- Queensland: Queensland Government travel advice
- South Australia: Government of South Australia cross-border travel
- Tasmania: Tasmanian Government travellers and visitors
- Victoria: Victoria State Government Health and Human Services
- Western Australia: Government of Western Australia travel advice