National Border Protocols Major Step Forward for Industry
Developed by Industry and Governments, the National Cabinet endorsed Protocol for Domestic Border Controls – Freight Movements – a national approach to managing border protocols for the freight and logistics sector. Further details can be found here.
Border Restrictions Update
After discussions with the WA Police today we can provide further clarification on testing and quarantine requirements:
- The requirement for testing only applies to people who have been in VIC and NSW 14 days prior to entry to WA.
- If a driver leaves WA within 48 hours, they do not need to be tested
- Similarly if the driver has left WA by day 11 they do not need to have the follow up test
- A person cannot enter WA if waiting for test results
- A person must quarantine until they receive the results.
In summary:
The essential worker enters WA, the worker undertakes their duties in accordance with their COVID workplace protocols, within 48 hours the worker must attend a COVID clinic for testing, they must then quarantine while waiting for results. Once they receive a negative test they can continue their duties, if they receive a a positive test, they need to quarantine.
Ongoing discussions are taking place about increasing the number of locations available to undertake COVID tests and ensuring they are accessible for heavy vehicles.
Due to the ever changing situation and border restrictions we recommend keeping up to date on the relevant state or territory website:
- Australian Capital Territory: ACT Government travel advice
- New South Wales: NSW Government travel and transport advice
- Northern Territory: Northern Territory Government remote work and travel
- Queensland: Queensland Government travel advice
- South Australia: Government of South Australia cross-border travel
- Tasmania: Tasmanian Government travellers and visitors
- Victoria: Victoria State Government Health and Human Services
- Western Australia: Government of Western Australia travel advice