• The State Government has announced the launch of a new pilot program that will deliver advanced skills to truck drivers to increase productivity and industry safety. The five week course was jointly developed by Western Roads Federation members, the TWU and the Department of Training and Workforce development and blends TAFE learning with industry led on road coaching and mentoring.

The Heavy Haulage Driving Operations Skill Set was developed following considerable industry consultation and will fill key skills gaps for this essential service. See the media statement here and for more information visit jobsandskills.wa.gov.au.

  • South Australia has Recovery Step 3 in place from 29 June 2020. People entering South Australia from ACT, NSW or VIC are required to self-quarantine for 14 days unless they are an Essential Traveller. There is no quarantine requirement for travellers from NT, QLD, TAS or WA.
  • The Revitalising Agricultural Region Freight (RARF) Strategy has been released setting the direction for future investment in freight infrastructure in the key agricultural regions of Western Australia. The RARF Strategy complements the recently launched Wheatbelt Secondary Freight Network road program which aims to improve road reliability and ensure crucial supply chains continue to improve. More information on the RARF Strategy can be found on the Department of Transport website.
  • Transport Minister Rita Saffioti has invited industry and the public to have their say on the draft South West Supply Chain (SWSC) Strategy. The SWSC Strategy will identify future road, rail, air and port infrastructure requirements in the South West region for the next 10-15 years, focusing on key freight supply chains in the region.

Comments on the draft South West Supply Chain (SWSC) Strategy close on Friday August 21 and can be provided at http://www.mysaytransport.wa.gov.au/southwestsupplychainstrategy

  • The Australian Logistics Council (ALC) says there is strong community support for permanently locking-in changes made to curfews and other restrictions around freight movement in the wake of COVID-19, according to a recent survey of community attitudes. The survey shows strong support for the permanent removal of curfews that prevent overnight deliveries into supermarkets and other retail premises as well as permitting essential logistics infrastructure including ports and warehouses to operate at night to facilitate more efficient freight movement.

ALC will continue working to encourage all governments to adopt a more balanced approach to curfews and other restrictions on freight movement that accommodate modern economic realities and better support Australian communities.

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