New Directions that directly relate to the maritime industry came into effect at midnight and affect ALL PLANNED CREW TRANSFERS. They are titled the Quarantine (Closing the Border) Directions Approval for Maritime Crew (No 4) issued under Section 27(r).
All maritime industry representatives are requested to read these urgently and advise all ports and shipping agents accordingly. All previous crew transfers that have been approved and were planned to occur are now rejected and will be re-considered in line with these Directions.
Summary of changes in the maritime crew
A maritime crew member can only disembark from an affected vessel:
- at a Perth Port; or
- at a port other than a Perth Port if, as soon as possible (within 8 hours) after they disembark the vessel they board a charter flight to Perth airport.
- at any port to undertake port activities;
- at any port to transfer to another vessel in the port;
When the crew member disembarks an affected vessel or charter flight in Perth they must:
- if the flight out of Australia leaves within 8 hours of disembarking the affected vessel in Perth or the arrival of the charter flight, travel directly to Perth airport for their flight out of Australia; or
- if the flight out of Australia does not leave within 8 hours of disembarking the affected vessel in Perth or the arrival of the charter flight, travel directly to a relevant place, which may include a quarantine centre or an approved crew hotel, and remain there while they wait for their flight out of Australia.
A crew member who is ordinarily resident in Australia may, in addition to the above, disembark a vessel in a Perth Port and go directly to a quarantine centre for 14 days. Or, if they disembark in a port other than a Perth Port, as soon as possible after they disembark the vessel, board a charter flight to an airport in the Perth metropolitan region and then go directly to a quarantine centre where they will undergo 14 days’ quarantine.
Persons flying into Western Australia to become crew members –
No real changes. Arrive in Perth and will go to either a Crew Hotel (Interstate Travellers) or a Quarantine Centre ( International)
A Crew Member disembarking at a port that is not a Perth Port, and leaving Perth on a flight within 8 hrs (arriving by vessel) –
Can take a private chartered vehicle to a nearby regional airport
Must take a private chartered flight to Perth, to meet a flight leaving Australia
A Crew Member disembarking at a port that is not a Perth Port, and leaving Perth on a flight more than 8 hours later (arriving by vessel) –
Can take a private chartered vehicle to a regional airport
Must take a private chartered flight to Perth
Will be transported directly to a Quarantine Centre
Can leave the Quarantine Centre to meet a flight leaving Australia
Please note:
Any crew member who disembarks in a port other than Perth will not be allowed to board a commercial flight.
In order to disembark a non-Australian resident must have a ticket or other confirmed booking for a flight to a destination outside of Australia.