• Police have confirmed that they are still finalising processes for regional closures and arrivals cards will not be requested.
    • Confirm that a soft start will be in place however need to ensure that drivers carry Photo ID, Letter of Authorisation from Company, Individual Health Declaration and preferably wear company uniform.
    • Industry concerns continue that road houses may close down due to lack of business, there are key road houses that are essential to service the freight and logistics industry.  A map is currently being developed which will identify roadhouses and the facilities available.
    • If there are regional road closures these will be communicated to industry asap.
    • FLCWA are working with WALGA and DPIRD to ensure the supply chain is maintained in regional areas.
    • Programmers have received enough preliminary information to input into the Data Model to start producing the initial output of predictive data within the next few days.
    • WA Government has deferred the launch for the Containers for Change scheme until later in the year to avoid the potential health risks and logistical difficulties.

    We’ll provide more information as it becomes available.

    Read the Premier’s media statement here.

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