- We’re developing transport specific FAQs for Industry and will also share with the Police Call Centre when finalised.
- We’ve updated our Roadhouse map which now includes the Northern Territory. Find an online version, or pdf version here.
- The procurement protocols for the supply of hygiene and sanitisation products is now finalised. A price list will be available shortly and we’re now working on the next steps so we can ensure continuity of supply.
- Today we provided a demonstration of the WA Supply Chain Intelligence Data Hub to WA Government Representatives, and we’re developing a brief to illustrate the proposed outcomes and benefits of the Data Hub Model.
- We continue to communicate with labour hire companies in relation to the proposed Driver Exchange Program.
- The Critical Route working group met yesterday and have commenced mapping the supply chains for several critical products e.g. fuel. The Workforce working group will meet today.
- The Commercial Distress working group will meet next week to identify the scale of the issue and the support industry requires to keep freight moving.
Important information your business may find useful on Critical Worker registration and furloughing. FREIGHT…