WA Supply Chain Covid Response Group Daily Update – 6 April 2020
- Our Roadhouse map is now live. You can view an online version or download a pdf version here.
- We are continuing to investigate the requirements for Sunday nights hard WA border closure e.g. how often declaration forms need to be completed. Just to reaffirm, all freight continues to move.
- In relation to the Esperance border closures, road blocks are in place at Norseman and Ravensthorpe, freight will continue to operate as normal
- We’re continuing with the development of protocols in relation to the isolation process in the event of an incident.
- Finalising procurement protocols for Sanitation and Hygiene products for Industry. We will be putting out an Expression of Interest to those who want to and are able to participate.
- After feedback from Industry, we’re communicating with third party labour hire companies in relation to the proposed Driver Exchange Program.
- FLCWA are supporting The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development in relation to Air Freight and how to create a more sustainable solution to the current WA agri-food air freight situation.
- We will shortly be liaising with industry to understand what their needs are for inbound air freight capacity, which is not currently being met. This is likely to be in the form of an email survey so keep an eye out.
- The Food Security Working Group met on the weekend. Towns requiring immediate help were identified as being Varley and Murchison. They were assisted by Metcash and Mid-West Distributors.
- The Scenario Planning Group will convene tomorrow to discuss the whole of supply chain risk identification and mitigation.