Fremantle Ports has released the findings from its 2017 Container Movement Study. The report provides information on the movement of containers to and from Fremantle Port and provides a comparison with the 2011 Container Movement Study findings.
The study provides an understanding of the transport, storage and distribution of full and empty import and export containers. The findings assist in understanding modes of transport used, inland origin and destination of full containers, staging of containers, the role of empty container parks and timing of container movements (day of week and time of day).
Aside from the port precinct, the two major import container destinations are around Canning Vale/Jandakot/Bibra Lake and Welshpool/Kewdale/Forrestfield, with the latter area expanding east to Hazelmere and other suburbs in the north-east metropolitan area.
The study also highlights the importance of regional WA to the State’s export container supply chain.
Click here for further information on the study and to view the report.