To promote the common interests of those who are engaged in, or interested in, freight and logistics activities in or impacting upon Western Australia;

To promote the common interests of those who are engaged in, or interested in, freight and logistics activities in or impacting upon Western Australia;
To offer strategic advice to the Minister for Transport on specific freight and logistics matters raised by industry
To offer strategic advice on specific freight and logistics matters raised by the Minister for Transport and others in Government
To provide a forum for exchanging views between industry and Government on strategic matters impacting on the efficiency of freight and logistics activities in or impacting upon Western Australia
To identify constraints on the achievement of successful freight and logistics activities in Western Australia and to suggest appropriate strategic responses to overcome these constraints
To identify opportunities for successful freight and logistics activities in Western Australia and to suggest strategic means of developing their ongoing success
To promote the importance of successful freight and logistics activities to Government, industry and the community
To represent a Western Australian view of freight and logistics policy matters in related national decision-making forums